LadyBugShortFilmMarathon på Bio Roy, Kungsportsavenyn i Göteborg
Fri Entré/Free Entrence !
LadyBug och Bio Roy firar 10-årsjubileum på Kulturnatta med en kavalkad av prisade kortfilmer i alla genrer, från Sverige, Venezuela, England, Spanien, Estland, USA m,m. Före visningen välkomnar vi ett par av de prisbelönta regissörerna plus en skådespelare som berättar lite om sina filmer. Välj några favoritfilmer och var med och tävla om biobiljetter.
Alla 22 filmerna har engelsk text / FRI ENTREE´
LadyBugShortFilmMarathon and Bio Roy celebrates our 10 years anniversary at Kulturnatta- Culture Night with a free entrance short film program.
Awarded Shorts in all genres, Drama, Comedy, Animation & Minute Films from Sweden, Spain, Norway, Venezuela, England, USA and more. Before the films start, we meet some of the awarded directors.
You can also win cinema tickets by choosing your favourite short for the evening. All 22 films have English subtitle / FREE ENTRANCE
Welcome to Bio Roy at Gothenburg Culture Night, the night when all of the city is buzzing!!

- KINDRED SPIRITS Two people who make odd things, meet in the middle of the night. Mette Witt made this film when she studied at the film program at Nordiska Fokhögskolan in Kungälv Sweden

2.The Quest Sometimes you have to look more carefully for what you are searching for. Made at Prague Film School -CZECH REPUBLIC by Anna Fabricius (SWE) and Zury Cutler (USA) as one of their film projects.

3.LA DULCE MEMORIA/the SWEET MEMORY Desperate and anxious, a man looks for a relative who is lost in her more sweet memories.
The film was SILVER awarded at WorldMovieMinuteCup at UNICA, a non commercial short film festival connected to UNESCO. The festival is every year situated in different European countries. UNICA 2019 was in the Netherlands

4. Vadå 112? / 911? Be prepared to handle things on your own when the public sector is under attack! BRONZE award in the Swedish Minute Cup at the Swedish Shortfilmfestival 2019 a national film festival for non commercial films focusing on diversity, equality and a broad representation.

5. Andra Chansen/Second Chance A major environmental disaster has made the earth uninhabitable and children are looking for a new home on another planet. The film made by the young siblings Filip & Emilia Nyström was also selected for STOCK-Motion filmfestival 2019

6. DU VÄLJER/YOU CHOOSE A short reflection about choices in life. Alma made this film on her summer vacation at a film camp called Home Film Festival 2019. The task was to make a short personal story. ”You Choose” was awarded with the honourable prize ”Filmörnen/the FilmEagle” 2019 in region Värmland and was also chosen to compete at Novemberfestivalen where all regions in Sweden compete.

Mattias & Marcus Thernström Florin Sweden
7.Kontroll/Under Control About new beginnings and a past that refuses to let go. The lead actress Amanda Krüger got the award of honour as best actress, at Pixel 2019.

Director/Animator Jessica Laurén Sweden
8. Vägen hem/ Incidents Way Home The life of a woman is a constant thriller. You never know when you suddenly have to flee, or to defend yourself. Three true stories – experienced, animated and told by the director, about not coming home safely as a young girl/woman. She is a survivor, she can handle it – but why does she has to? Three true stories – experienced, animated and told by the director, about not coming home safely as a young girl/woman. She is a survivor, she can handle it – but why does she has to? Jessica Laurén started her film career in 1993 and nowadays she runs the company Gold Spoon Pictures together with Jonas Dahlbeck and Boris Nawratil. They are director-designers, and in many cases also the labor as well. They have different specialities and therefore complement each other quite well. For extra work, and upscaled productions, they have a loyal crew of collegues and friends to call. Whilst they enjoy Stockholm, they have filmed and worked in many different countries, and loved it. Nothing is like new places and new people to give you new ideas. New ideas, after all, is what we are all about.

by Astrid Söderberg Sweden
9. Att ta Hand om en Kille/To Fix a Guy A surrealistic feminist comedy about girls being sick of boys not taking emotional responsibility. ”To Fix a Guy” won three awards at FRAME 2019, Best short/Bästa Kortfilm, the Audience Award/Publikpriset and the FilmBridge Award/filmbryggans pris. The film is also selected for Novemberfestivalen 2019

10.TOM One morning Tom wakes up and everyone has disappeared! This film is a methaphor about loneliness and not beeing heard. The Film TOM won the short film competition ”A Better Tomorrow” at BUFF 2019 a cooperation with BUFF, LadyBugFestival and Sveriges Unga Akademi

11. SWÊDÎ A woman is in the store to shop some things, when she notices an employee is following her. A short about prejudice and about the feeling of someone’s accusatory gaze. SWÊDÎ is distributed by FilmCentrum Sweden

12.VIKARIE/SUBSTITUTE Alice works as a substitute at preschools. One morning she’s called to a new preschool where she, as usual, is put to work without a proper introduction. Awarded SILVER and ”best Cast-award” at the Sveriges Kortfilmfestival 2019 The film also won Örebro Short Film Award that took the film to Novemberfestivalen 2019

13.DEN GODA VILJAN/ THE GOOD WILL How things can turn out when choosing the road of dishonesty. Christel Elsayha works as a film editor and a script writer and this is her first film where she also is acting in the lead role. ”The Good Will” was awarded with a BRONZE medal at UNICA 2019

14. HERE LIES ADELIA HUGHES A dark tale about a twisted family.

15. JUST FOLLOW the FROG What man NOT should do to save the world and the rainforests.

16. DOGMA In a humble home someone has broken a very valuable object, and the father Juan implements all the methods of punishments necessary to find the culprit . DOGMA is based on a traumatic story of the director that happened in his childhood.

17. BIG AND STRONG Life from the perspective of a tree. This short is made by the siblings ”Team LiaMaya” Maya and Liam Åkeson Rayner have made many awarded films together since they started making film and animations in 2012.

Elin Ohlin & Tom Linnman Sweden
18. SLUM TOURISM The concept of slum tourism, guided tours in slum areas, is a disputed fenomena. In Kampala, Uganda, we meet an organisation that arrange slum tours for the benefit of the local community. We also meet Alice, a woman visited by the tour.
What does the community think about these tours ? How does it affect the areas in which they are held, and what impact does it have of the tourists visiting? This documentary was made when Vendela, Elin & Tom attended Röda Korsets Folkhögskola Red Cross documentary film education in Stockholm

19. HABIT Everyone has their own habits. A man in his retirement age is still dedicated to his favorite activity.

19. VÄGGEN/The WALL When heaven turns into concrete. How it feels to get a wall just ten meters from the window! A political short from a personal view.

by Eve Edelson USA
21. START the INVASION WITHOUT ME! An alien crash-lands on Earth and finds herself in the wrong buddy movie. The film that asks the question every extra-terrestrial invader should ask: ”Who packed this parachute?!”
Eve Edelson is a writer, filmmaker and musician based in Oakland, California. She is also the author of the play ”Scamoramaland,” about people who write back to email scammers just to waste their time, produced by Performers Under Stress in San Francisco.
read more at The Fem.Cine.Anarchy

22. COFFEE OR TEA? When 70-year-old Alice dies, she ends up in a limbo between life and after-life where she gets a chance to come back to life.