Kom och fira filmens födelsedag med oss och se prisbelönta favoriter i alla genrer från hela världen. Alla filmer är engelsk-textade och vi bjuder som vanligt på en kavalkad av roliga, allvarliga, tänkvärda, tokiga och kärleksfulla filmer. Vi välkomnar alla kortfilmsentusiaster i alla åldrar till en härlig biostund där du även tävlar om biobiljetter.
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TID: 13.30-15.30 Lördag 28 december 2019 FRI ENTRE´/Free entrance
VAR: på Bio Roy Kungsportsavenyn 45 i Göteborg
Filmens Födelsedag är ett samarbete mellan LadyBugFestival och SverigesKortFilmFestival med stöd av SverigesFilm och Video Förbund Filmerna som visas är festivalernas prisvinnare och publikfavoriter genom åren.
Om Filmens Födelsedag:
Den 28 december 1895 gjorde Bröderna Lumière, sin första filmvisning för allmän, betalande publik på Grand Cafe i Paris, vilket därför brukar anses som filmens födelsedag. Bröderna visade bl.a sin kortfilm L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de la Ciotat (Tåget ankommer Ciotats station) vilket sägs ha skapat full panik bland publiken.

Welcome and celebrate with us and see award-winning favorites in all genres from all around the world. As usual we have a cavalcade of fun, serious, thoughtful, crazy and loving movies. We welcome all short film enthusiasts of all ages – to a wonderful time where you also compete for cinema tickets.
Free entrance and all films with English-subtitle
On December 28, 1895, in front of a paying audience at the Grand Cafe in Paris, the brothers Lumièresstaged a twenty-minute program of ten films, including one ofa train as it entered a station, moving straight toward the camera. The filmcreated panic in the audience; several women are said to have fainted. The event has gone down in history as the first public cinema performance. Withinfive years of the invention of the cinÄmatographe–during which time the Lumières promoted it throughout Europe–motion pictures were being made in every developed country in the world. The Lumières continued toinnovate film technology. In Paris in 1900, they demonstrated their Photorama, which was a 360í panoramic projector. Thirty-five years later, they introduced their stereo-cine process, which was based on the principle of anaglyphics.
The Short film birthday celebration program is 120 minutes, it contains a various of shorts from all genres and starts up with eight very diverse minute films. All shorts are made in a non commercial purpose and the filmmakers age is between 12 and 70 years. Welcome to read more about the films here!

”Strange things happens in the middle of the night”

”Sometimes you have to look more carefully for what you are looking for”

”Something is wrong with the light button, or is it far more worse”

”Desperate and anxious, a man desperate looks for a relative that is lost
in her more sweet memories” SILVER at World Movie Minute Cup at UNICA 2019

1 min. Comedy by Felicia Boudreé Sweden SILVER SM MinuteFilm SKFF 2014

GOLD Croatian One Minute Filmfestival 2017

by Hanna Dahlborg Sweden GOLD SM MinuteFilm SKFF 2018

”A major environmental disaster has made the world uninhabitable and children are looking for a new home on another planet”

”An old radio in a fishing shack suddenly comes to life and transmits a mysterious message”

”En dag i livet för den som tolkar livet bokstavligt. Rena grekiskan, helt uppåt väggarna
och som lök på laxen i stop motion”
”En dag i ett nötskal” kom till på FRIENDS uppdrag att skriva låtar och göra musikvideos med tema NPF (neuropsykiatriska diagnoser såsom Asperger, ADD och OCD).
Projektledarna gav Emma högt i tak och hon passade på att skriva den konstigaste låt hon nånsin skrivit. En barnlåt behöver inte ha tre ackord och rimma. Låten går i minst fem olika tonarter och taktarter och beskriver en dag i livet för ett barn som tolkar språket bokstavligt. ”Pappa sa att jag fick hoppa över frukosten idag, men när jag försökte blev han jättearg”.
Emma Nordenstam, Esther Ericsson och filmen fick ”Hederspriset på SKFF 2019

”Wojtek and his father is collecting card board boxes for a special reason”
Filmen fick publikens pris på LadyBugFestival 2016

”When heaven turns into concrete. How it feels to get a wall just ten meters from the window!
A political short from a personal view.” Awarded with special mention at Tempo 2019.

”Alice gets by working as a substitute at preschools. One morning she is called to a new preschool where she, as usual, is put to work without a proper introduction”
Since the premiere at Gothenburg International Filmfestival in 2019, the film has been awarded with SILVER and ”Best Cast” at the Swedish Shortfilmfestival, ”Best Actress” at Novemberfestivalen and the ”Grand Award” at Örebro Short Film Fest 2019

”A dark tail about a twisted family” SILVER at UNICA 2019

Four persons are put to test and a machine decides who deserves to live or deserves to die Direkt utvald till SKFF 2020 på Filmörnen i Karlstad 2019

by Astrid Söderberg Sweden ”A surrealistic feministic comedy about girls
being sick of boys not taking emotional responsibility”
Vann Frame 2019, Publikens pris på LadyBugFestival i oktober och
i november ABFs pris på Novemberfestivalen

”What man not should do to save the rainforest”

”Important small talk in the tree”

”How things can turn out when choosing the road of dishonesty”

”Everyone has their own habits.
A man in his retirement age is still dedicated to his favourite activity”

”When 70 years old Alice dies, she finds her self in a limbo, where she has the opportunity to come back to life or not”
”BRONZE Best Script”&”Best Editing” at Swedish Shorfilmfestival & SILVER at UNICA 2019