LadyBug Festival Award 2018

LadyBug Festival Award 2018  was announced and handed over to the awarded film and film maker at the SverigesKortfilmfestival sunday 4 April 2019. The LadyBugFestival award price amount is €500 and was given to the director Peppe Andersson for her important and encouraging documentary ”I Have to Save the World a Little” about the poet and trans activist Yolanda Auror Bohm.

LadyBug Festival Award 2018 goes to Peppe Andersson and her documentary
”I have to Save the World a Little”

And the Motivation is:
This documentary shows that nothing else is possible but equality and human rights in a healthy society. In just 15min. the director both inform us and let us share a persons life filled with sorrow, love, struggle, and engagement. Yolanda is a lovely and an intelligent person who makes the universal message of the film alive and we are all truly convinced that equality and human rights is the only alternativ for a better and more human world. A timeless and important film worth to be shown worldwide!

I Have to Save the World a Little about the poet and activist Yolanda Aurora Bohm

I have to Save the World a Little Documentary 15 min Sweden
Director Peppe Andersson ”Yolanda Auror Bohm is fighting for a better society. This film reflects her poetry, activism, commitment and the work for what she is passionated for”

Peppe and the UNESCO Fellini Award

Peppe Andersson and her film ”I Have to Save the World a Little” also won BRONZE at UNICA & the honourable UNESCO Fellini Award 2018

FILMENS FÖDELSEDAG FIRAS 28 dec. 2019 på Bio Roy


Kom och fira filmens födelsedag med oss och se prisbelönta favoriter i alla genrer från hela världen. Alla filmer är engelsk-textade och vi bjuder som vanligt på en kavalkad av roliga, allvarliga, tänkvärda, tokiga och kärleksfulla filmer. Vi välkomnar alla kortfilmsentusiaster i alla åldrar till en härlig biostund där du även tävlar om biobiljetter.
For English scroll down

TID: 13.30-15.30 Lördag 28 december 2019 FRI ENTRE´/Free entrance
VAR: på Bio Roy Kungsportsavenyn 45 i Göteborg

Filmens Födelsedag är ett samarbete mellan LadyBugFestival och SverigesKortFilmFestival med stöd av SverigesFilm och Video Förbund  Filmerna som visas är festivalernas prisvinnare och publikfavoriter genom åren.

Om Filmens Födelsedag:
Den 28 december 1895 gjorde Bröderna Lumière, sin första filmvisning för allmän, betalande publik på Grand Cafe i Paris, vilket därför brukar anses som filmens födelsedag. Bröderna visade bl.a sin kortfilm L’Arrivée d’un train en gare de la Ciotat (Tåget ankommer Ciotats station) vilket sägs ha skapat full panik bland publiken.

Ur Bröderna Lumières film ”Tåget ankommer Ciotats station

Welcome and celebrate with us and see award-winning favorites in all genres from all around the world. As usual we have a cavalcade of fun, serious, thoughtful, crazy and loving movies. We welcome all short film enthusiasts of all ages – to a wonderful time where you also compete for cinema tickets.
Free entrance and all films with English-subtitle

On December 28, 1895, in front of a paying audience at the Grand Cafe in Paris, the brothers Lumièresstaged a twenty-minute program of ten films, including one ofa train as it entered a station, moving straight toward the camera. The filmcreated panic in the audience; several women are said to have fainted. The event has gone down in history as the first public cinema performance. Withinfive years of the invention of the cinÄmatographe–during which time the Lumières promoted it throughout Europe–motion pictures were being made in every developed country in the world. The Lumières continued toinnovate film technology. In Paris in 1900, they demonstrated their Photorama, which was a 360í panoramic projector. Thirty-five years later, they introduced their stereo-cine process, which was based on the principle of anaglyphics.

The Short film birthday celebration program is 120 minutes, it contains a various of shorts from all genres and starts up with eight very diverse minute films. All shorts are made in a non commercial purpose and the filmmakers age is between 12 and 70 years. Welcome to read more about the films here!

1. Kindred Spirits 1 min Comedy by Mette Witt Norway
”Strange things happens in the middle of the night”
2. The Quest 1 min Comedy by Anna Fabricius Sweden
”Sometimes you have to look more carefully for what you are looking for”
3. ON/OFF 1min Drama/Comedy by Frida Andersson Haase Sweden.
”Something is wrong with the light button, or is it far more worse
4. La Dulce Memoria 1 min Drama by Pablo de Tomás Spain
”Desperate and anxious, a man desperate looks for a relative that is lost
in her more sweet memories” SILVER at World Movie Minute Cup at UNICA 2019
5. Vadå 112?”Be prepared to handle things of your own when the public sector is under attack” 1min Drama by Niclas Ribbarp Sweden SILVER SM MinuteFilm SKFF 2019
6. Urskogen ”sometimes its hard to keep upp concentration as a scriptwriter”
1 min. Comedy by Felicia Boudreé Sweden SILVER SM MinuteFilm SKFF 2014
7. The Little Beetle ” life is a struggle” 1 min Animation by Elene Sebiskveradze Georgia
GOLD Croatian One Minute Filmfestival 2017
8. Ghassan ”mr Chawki tells the story why he became a taylor” 1min Documentary
by Hanna Dahlborg Sweden GOLD SM MinuteFilm SKFF 2018
9. Andra Chansen/Second Chance 3 min Drama/Fiction by Emilia och Filip Nyström Sweden
”A major environmental disaster has made the world uninhabitable and children are looking for a new home on another planet”
10. Draget/The Lure 2min 58 sec Comedy by Lilly and Hanna Nilsson Sweden
”An old radio in a fishing shack suddenly comes to life and transmits a mysterious message”
11. En dag i Ett Nötskal 3min 36 sec Music/Animation Emma Nordenstam och Sweden
”En dag i livet för den som tolkar livet bokstavligt. Rena grekiskan, helt uppåt väggarna
och som lök på laxen i stop motion”

”En dag i ett nötskal” kom till på FRIENDS uppdrag att skriva låtar och göra musikvideos med tema NPF (neuropsykiatriska diagnoser såsom Asperger, ADD och OCD).
Projektledarna gav Emma högt i tak och hon passade på att skriva den konstigaste låt hon nånsin skrivit. En barnlåt behöver inte ha tre ackord och rimma. Låten går i minst fem olika tonarter och taktarter och beskriver en dag i livet för ett barn som tolkar språket bokstavligt. ”Pappa sa att jag fick hoppa över frukosten idag, men när jag försökte blev han jättearg”. 
Emma Nordenstam, Esther Ericsson och filmen fick ”Hederspriset på SKFF 2019
12.Wojtek 2min 38 sec Documentary by Monica Stpiczýnska Poland
”Wojtek and his father is collecting card board boxes for a special reason”
Filmen fick publikens pris på LadyBugFestival 2016
13. Hemväg/Way Home 7min 23 sec Animation by Jessica Laurén Sweden ”You never know when you have to flee or have to defend yourself. Three true stories of sexual harassment, experienced, told and animated by the director- about not coming home safely as young girl/woman. She is a survivor, she can handle it, but why does she has to?
14. Väggen/The Wall 4min 51sec Documentary/Comedy by Astrid Askberger Sweden
”When heaven turns into concrete. How it feels to get a wall just ten meters from the window!
A political short from a personal view.” Awarded with special mention at Tempo 2019.
15. Vikare/Substitute 14 min 19 sec Drama by Adam Starsmark Sweden
”Alice gets by working as a substitute at preschools. One morning she is called to a new preschool where she, as usual, is put to work without a proper introduction”
Since the premiere at Gothenburg International Filmfestival in 2019, the film has been awarded with SILVER and ”Best Cast” at the Swedish Shortfilmfestival, ”Best Actress” at Novemberfestivalen and the ”Grand Award” at Örebro Short Film Fest 2019
16. Here lies Adelia Huges 8min 15sec Drama/Black Comedy by Eleanor Smith
”A dark tail about a twisted family” SILVER at UNICA 2019
17. Jag Vill Leva/I Want to Live 10min 58sec Drama by Madelene Klasson Sweden
Four persons are put to test and a machine decides who deserves to live or deserves to die Direkt utvald till SKFF 2020 på Filmörnen i Karlstad 2019
18. Ta Hand om en Kille/To Fix a Guy 10 min 12sec Black Comedy/Satir
by Astrid Söderberg Sweden ”A surrealistic feministic comedy about girls
being sick of boys not taking emotional responsibility”

Vann Frame 2019, Publikens pris på LadyBugFestival i oktober och
i november ABFs pris på Novemberfestivalen
19. Just follow the Frog 3min 10sec Advertise/Comedy by Max Joseph USA
”What man not should do to save the rainforest”
20. Kra Kra/Row 2min 11sec Animation/Comedy by Klym Klymchuk Ukraine
”Important small talk in the tree”
21.DenGodaViljan/TheGoodWill 8min 35sec Filosophical Drama by Christel Elsayah Sweden
”How things can turn out when choosing the road of dishonesty”
22. The Habit 5min 30sec Comedy/Drama by Anita Kremm Estonia
”Everyone has their own habits.
A man in his retirement age is still dedicated to his favourite activity”
23. Coffee or Tea? 12 min Comedy/Drama by Agnes Jeppsson & Mimmi Silfverlood Sweden
”When 70 years old Alice dies, she finds her self in a limbo, where she has the opportunity to come back to life or not”
BRONZE Best Script”&”Best Editing” at Swedish Shorfilmfestival & SILVER at UNICA 2019

25 okt. kl.20.30 LadyBugShortFilmMarathon på Göteborgs Kulturnatta 2019

LadyBugShortFilmMarathon på Bio Roy, Kungsportsavenyn i Göteborg
Fri Entré/Free Entrence !

LadyBug och Bio Roy firar 10-årsjubileum på Kulturnatta med en kavalkad av prisade kortfilmer i alla genrer, från Sverige, Venezuela, England, Spanien, Estland, USA m,m. Före visningen välkomnar vi ett par av de prisbelönta regissörerna plus en skådespelare som berättar lite om sina filmer. Välj några favoritfilmer och var med och tävla om biobiljetter.
Alla 22 filmerna har engelsk text / FRI ENTREE´

LadyBugShortFilmMarathon and Bio Roy celebrates our 10 years anniversary at Kulturnatta- Culture Night with a free entrance short film program.
Awarded Shorts in all genres, Drama, Comedy, Animation & Minute Films from Sweden, Spain, Norway, Venezuela, England, USA and more. Before the films start, we meet some of the awarded directors.
You can also win cinema tickets by choosing your favourite short for the evening. All 22 films have English subtitle / FREE ENTRANCE
Welcome to Bio Roy at Gothenburg Culture Night, the night when all of the city is buzzing!!


1. KINDRED SPIRITS 1 min Drama/Comedy by Mette Witt Norway
  1. KINDRED SPIRITS Two people who make odd things, meet in the middle of the night. Mette Witt made this film when she studied at the film program at Nordiska Fokhögskolan in Kungälv Sweden
2.The Quest 1 min Drama/Comedy by Anna Fabricius Sweden/USA

2.The Quest Sometimes you have to look more carefully for what you are searching for. Made at Prague Film School -CZECH REPUBLIC by Anna Fabricius (SWE) and Zury Cutler (USA) as one of their film projects.

3.LA DULCE MEMORIA/the SWEET MEMORY 1 min Drama by Pablo de Tomás Spain

3.LA DULCE MEMORIA/the SWEET MEMORY Desperate and anxious, a man looks for a relative who is lost in her more sweet memories.
The film was SILVER awarded at WorldMovieMinuteCup at UNICA, a non commercial short film festival connected to UNESCO. The festival is every year situated in different European countries. UNICA 2019 was in the Netherlands

4.Vadå 112? / 911? 1 min Black Comedy by Niclas Ribbarp Sweden

4. Vadå 112? / 911? Be prepared to handle things on your own when the public sector is under attack! BRONZE award in the Swedish Minute Cup at the Swedish Shortfilmfestival 2019 a national film festival for non commercial films focusing on diversity, equality and a broad representation.

5. Second Chance 3 min Drama/Animation by Filip & Emilia Nyström Sweden

5. Andra Chansen/Second Chance A major environmental disaster has made the earth uninhabitable and children are looking for a new home on another planet. The film made by the young siblings Filip & Emilia Nyström was also selected for STOCK-Motion filmfestival 2019

6.Du Väljer/You Choose1min21 sec Philosophic Reflection by Alma Johannesson Sweden

6. DU VÄLJER/YOU CHOOSE A short reflection about choices in life. Alma made this film on her summer vacation at a film camp called Home Film Festival 2019. The task was to make a short personal story. ”You Choose” was awarded with the honourable prize ”Filmörnen/the FilmEagle” 2019 in region Värmland and was also chosen to compete at Novemberfestivalen where all regions in Sweden compete.

7.KONTROLL/CONTROL 12 min Drama by Jenny Wallin,
Mattias & Marcus Thernström Florin Sweden

7.Kontroll/Under Control  About new beginnings and a past that refuses to let go. The lead actress Amanda Krüger got the award of honour as best actress, at Pixel 2019.

8.Incidents Way Home 7 min 23 sec Animation by
Director/Animator Jessica Laurén Sweden

8. Vägen hem/ Incidents Way Home The life of a woman is a constant thriller. You never know when you suddenly have to flee, or to defend yourself. Three true stories – experienced, animated and told by the director, about not coming home safely as a young girl/woman. She is a survivor, she can handle it – but why does she has to? Three true stories – experienced, animated and told by the director, about not coming home safely as a young girl/woman. She is a survivor, she can handle it – but why does she has to? Jessica Laurén started her film career in 1993 and nowadays she runs the company Gold Spoon Pictures together with Jonas Dahlbeck and Boris Nawratil. They are director-designers, and in many cases also the labor as well. They have different specialities and therefore complement each other quite well. For extra work, and upscaled productions, they have a loyal crew of collegues and friends to call. Whilst they enjoy Stockholm, they have filmed and worked in many different countries, and loved it. Nothing is like new places and new people to give you new ideas. New ideas, after all, is what we are all about.

9. Att Ta Hand om en Kille /To Fix a Guy 10 min 12sec Drama/Comedy
by Astrid Söderberg Sweden

9. Att ta Hand om en Kille/To Fix a Guy A surrealistic feminist comedy about girls being sick of boys not taking emotional responsibility. ”To Fix a Guy” won three awards at FRAME 2019, Best short/Bästa Kortfilm, the Audience Award/Publikpriset and the FilmBridge Award/filmbryggans pris. The film is also selected for Novemberfestivalen 2019

10.TOM 10 min Drama by Elis Lindsten & Hugo Söderberg Sweden

10.TOM One morning Tom wakes up and everyone has disappeared! This film is a methaphor about loneliness and not beeing heard. The Film TOM won the short film competition ”A Better Tomorrow” at BUFF 2019 a cooperation with BUFF, LadyBugFestival and Sveriges Unga Akademi

11. SWÊDÎ 5min Drama by Sosi Chamoun

11. SWÊDÎ A woman is in the store to shop some things, when she notices an employee is following her. A short about prejudice and about the feeling of someone’s accusatory gaze. SWÊDÎ is distributed by FilmCentrum Sweden

12.VIKARIE/SUBSTITUTE 14 minute Drama by Adam Starsmark Sweden

12.VIKARIE/SUBSTITUTE Alice works as a substitute at preschools. One morning she’s called to a new preschool where she, as usual, is put to work without a proper introduction. Awarded SILVER and ”best Cast-award” at the Sveriges Kortfilmfestival 2019 The film also won Örebro Short Film Award that took the film to Novemberfestivalen 2019

13.DEN GODA VILJAN/ THE GOOD WILL 8 min Drama by Christel Elsayha Sweden.

13.DEN GODA VILJAN/ THE GOOD WILL How things can turn out when choosing the road of dishonesty. Christel Elsayha works as a film editor and a script writer and this is her first film where she also is acting in the lead role. ”The Good Will” was awarded with a BRONZE medal at UNICA 2019

14. HERE LIES ADELIA HUGHES 8 min Drama By Eleanor Smith UK

14. HERE LIES ADELIA HUGHES  A dark tale about a twisted family.

15. JUST FOLLOW the FROG 3min 10sec Advertise/Comedy by Max Joseph USA

15. JUST FOLLOW the FROG What man NOT should do to save the world and the rainforests.

16. DOGMA 5min 30 sec a Social Drama by Dennys Rodriguez Venezuela

16. DOGMA In a humble home someone has broken a very valuable object, and the father Juan implements all the methods of punishments necessary to find the culprit . DOGMA is based on a traumatic story of the director that happened in his childhood.

17. BIG AND STRONG 8,34 min Animation/Drama by Team LiaMaya Sweden

17. BIG AND STRONG Life from the perspective of a tree. This short is made by the siblings ”Team LiaMaya” Maya and Liam Åkeson Rayner have made many awarded films together since they started making film and animations in 2012.

18. SLUM TOURISM 17min 26sec Documentary by Vendela Ganslandt,
Elin Ohlin & Tom Linnman Sweden

18. SLUM TOURISM The concept of slum tourism, guided tours in slum areas, is a disputed fenomena. In Kampala, Uganda, we meet an organisation that arrange slum tours for the benefit of the local community. We also meet Alice, a woman visited by the tour.
What does the community think about these tours ? How does it affect the areas in which they are held, and what impact does it have of the tourists visiting?
This documentary was made when Vendela, Elin & Tom attended Röda Korsets Folkhögskola Red Cross documentary film education in Stockholm

19. HABIT 5min 30 sec Drama by Anita Kremm Estland

19. HABIT Everyone has their own habits. A man in his retirement age is still dedicated to his favorite activity.

19. VÄGGEN/The WALL min Documentary/Comedy by Astrid Askberger Sweden

19. VÄGGEN/The WALL When heaven turns into concrete. How it feels to get a wall just ten meters from the window! A political short from a personal view.

21. START the INVASION WITHOUT ME! 6min7sec Road Movie/Cell Phone/Comedy
by Eve Edelson USA

21. START the INVASION WITHOUT ME! An alien crash-lands on Earth and finds herself in the wrong buddy movie. The film that asks the question every extra-terrestrial invader should ask: ”Who packed this parachute?!”
Eve Edelson is a writer, filmmaker and musician based in Oakland, California. She is also the author of the play ”Scamoramaland,” about people who write back to email scammers just to waste their time, produced by Performers Under Stress in San Francisco.
read more at The Fem.Cine.Anarchy 

22.COFFEE OR TEA? 10 min Comedy by Agnes Jeppsson & Mimmi Silfverlood

22. COFFEE OR TEA? When 70-year-old Alice dies, she ends up in a limbo between life and after-life where she gets a chance to come back to life.

2019 23 okt. på Uppsala International Short Film Festival


Sveriges unga akademi i samarbete med LadyBug Festival och Uppsala kortfilmfestival är stolta över att få presentera programpunkten ”En bättre morgondag”. Vi ser några utvalda kortfilmer med fokus på forskning och framtid och med avstamp i filmerna samtalar vi sedan med en panel av forskare.
Sveriges unga akademi, in collaboration with LadyBug Festival and Uppsala International Short Film Festival, is proud to present the screening and panel “A Better Tomorrow,” where a selection of short films are discussed by a group of researchers.

1. La boite (The box)
Hauwelle Marie-Pierre / France / 2019 / Animation / 00:11:07

There’s nothing unusual about receiving a package in the post. ‘Yes, but…what if…?’ are the wretched type of thoughts that cause Chloé to conjure up farfetched scenarios…If anxiety were an art, then Chloé has certainly mastered it.

2. Jamila
Vuković Sophie / Sweden / 2019 / Fiction / 00:13:02
Jamila and her friends are practicing for the talent show, and nothing can get in the way of Jamila’s focus. Not even her little sister Leila’s question about the family’s asylum case. But when the police suddenly appear at school, Jamila starts to worry. Will performing risk their safety, or should she leave and risk her new friendships.

3. Un Día (One day)
Vozza Annalisa / Colombia / Italy / 2019 / Fiction / 00:17:56
Cristian, a young man from a marginal neighborhood of Bogotá, earns his living by singing rap on the city bus. He dreams of traveling to Ecuador to take part in a music contest and leave everything behind. One day, his routine is disrupted by the unexpected presence of his little sister who followed him in secret. And the violence around him puts his dream of a better life to a hard test.

4. Dia de Eleição (Election Day)
Afonso Nereu / Brazil / 2019 / Documentary / 00:08:06
In 2018 the electoral campaign in Brazil splits the nation in two. On October 28, date of the second round of the presidential elections, people go voting. Suddenly, the collective history of a country takes over of the filmmaker’s personal history

Medverkande forskare:

Hanne Fjelde, freds- och konfliktforskare vid Uppsala universitet och ledamot i Sveriges unga akademi.
Palle Dahlstedt, forskare inom tillämpad informationsteknologi, lärare i komposition vid Högskolan för Scen och Musik och Sveriges unga akademialumn.
Janna Gottwald, psykologiforskare vid Uppsala universitet.
Emma Hagqvist, forskare vid Stressforskningsinstitutet, Stockholms universitet
Robert Lagerström: IT-forskare vid KTH och ledamot i Sveriges unga akademi.
Aase Högfeldt: grundare och konstnärlig ledare för LadyBug Festival

Sveriges unga akademi är en tvärvetenskaplig akademi för ett urval av de bästa yngre forskarna i Sverige, med en verksamhet som vilar på fyra pelare: forskningspolitik, internationalisering, tvärvetenskap och utåtriktade aktiviteter. Akademin är en oberoende plattform som bildades på initiativ av Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien 2011 och har cirka 35 ledamöter

Uppsala Internationella Kortfilmfestival, är Sveriges enda renodlade kortfilmfestival och främsta arena för internationell kortfilm, och sedan starten 1982 en av Europas viktigare kortfilmfestivaler. UIK är erkänd av Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences och Uppsala Grand Prix i den Internationella tävlingen och de bästa svenska kortfilmerna gör dem nomineringsbara till en Oscarsnominering. 

LadyBug Festival är en inspirerande festival med fokus på film, konst och kultur i perspektiv av jämlikhet, rättvisa och miljö.

LadyBug & SUA på BUFF 26 mars kl.13.00-15.00 2019

LadyBug Festival och Sveriges unga akademi presenterar stolta seminariet och kortfilmspaketet En bättre morgondag på BUFF i Malmö.

Tillsammans ser vi fem utvalda kortfilmer och med avstamp i filmernas olika teman leder en grupp av fem forskare samtal med publiken om bland annat internet- fenomen och vardagsrasism. Ni får träffa en logoped, en IT-forskare, en filmvetare, en statsvetare och en medie- och kommunikationsforskare. De fem filmerna är 1. TOM 2. SHE 3. SWATTED 4. SWÊdÎ och 5. FUCKING COLA. Läs mer om filmerna och forskarna HÄR

Filmen TOM vann kortfilmstävlingen med temat ”En Bättre Morgondag” som under hösten 2018 arrangerades av Sveriges unga akademi, LadyBug Festival och BUFF Malmö Filmfestival. 

Seminariet ”En Bättre Morgondag/A Better Tomorrow” är ett sam- arrangemang mellan LadyBug Festival, Sveriges unga akademi och BUFF.

FILMENS FÖDELSEDAG FIRAS med publikfavoriter, prisvinnare och fri entré !


Kom och fira filmens födelsedag med 24 prisbelönta kortfilmsfavoriter i alla genrer från hela världen. Alla filmer är engelsk-textade och vi bjuder på en kortfilmskavalkad av roliga, allvarliga, tänkvärda, tokiga och kärleksfulla filmer. 

TID: Fredagen 28 december kl 12.30-14.30 FRI ENTRE´
VAR: på Bio Roy Kungsportsavenyn 45 i Göteborg

Dagen till ära är fem av favoriterna prisvinnare från Göteborg och i två av dem ser ni Göteborgsänglarna Glenn Hysén, Bo Melin och Åsa Gustavsson.
Vi välkomnar alla kortfilmsentusiaster – och blivande! – i alla åldrar – till en härlig biostund där du också kan tävla om biobiljetter.  

Filmens Födelsedag  är ett samarbete mellan LadyBugFestival och SverigesKortFilmFestival med stöd av SverigesFilm och Video Förbund och filmerna är festivalernas prisvinnare och publikfavoriter genom åren 

Av de 24 fyra filmerna är de första sju filmerna sk. minutfilmer och de övriga varierar i längd från 2-15 minuter (scroll to see all films)

1. Urskogen Drama Minutfilm SWEDEN by Felicia Boudreé 
Sometimes it is hard to keep up concentration as a scriptwriter
SILVER SM Minute Film SKFF 2014

2. Self Identity Documentary Minutfilm SWEDEN by Eva Höglund
An image made by me. A self image Honorary Diploma UNICA WMMC 2018

3. The Dishonor Drama/Stills Minutfilm ARGENTINA  by Gustavo Garibotti
In the 1800s, a forbidden love is endangered by a cause of a society that is not ready

 4. The City Animation Minutfilm PHILIPPINES by Breech Asher Harani
Carbon Resilient Cities are the solution against Climate Change
Special Prize Animation Award at Film4Climate 2016

 5. A Little Beetle Animation Minutfilm GEORGIEN by Elene Sebiskveradze
A Little Beetle deliberately puts all its efforts to escape from the endless space…  GOLD Croatian One-Minute Film Festival 2017 

6. Ghassan Documentary Minutfilm SWEDEN by Hanna Dahlborg
Ghassan Chawki tells the story why he became a taylor
GOLD SM Minute Film SKFF 2018

7. ON/OFF Drama Minutfilm SWEDEN by Frida Andersson Haase
Something is wrong with the light button

8. Wojtek Documentary 2min 38sec POLEN director Monika Stpiczynska
Wojtec and his father George collects cardboard boxes
LadyBug Festival Audience Favorite Award 2016

9. Skoldiscot Drama 5min 29sec. SWEDEN director Christian Zetterberg
During a middle school dance a boy is struggling with
his courage when experiencing his first love.
 Frame filmfestival 2018 – Bästa film tungvikt, Publiken pris, Bästa foto, Bästa skådespelare
Novemberfestivalen 2018 -SM-silver/2a pris för Bästa film, Publikens pris, BUFF-pris Bästa barnfilm
Stockholm independent film festival 2018 Bästa skådespelareensemble

10. Run Ran Run Drama/Comedy 9min 30sec. SWEDEN director Sanna Ekman ”Jennifer is out for a morning jog and spots a robber…..”
Run Ran Run has won several awards. Amongst others; BEST Director (three times), BEST Short Film, BEST International Actress, BEST International Drama, BEST Editor, BEST Woman FilmMaker

11. Clean up on Isle nr 9 Drama/Comedy 6min 48sec. AUSTRALIA director Anthea Hewett/Sydney Film School. ”Two Young men are bored at the supermarket” BEST School Film at WOW 2011 LadyBug Favourite 2012

12. Cold Shower Drama/Environmental Issue 2min. 12 sec. BELGIUM director Victor Azmanov A young man goes through his daily, wasteful life
BRONZE San Francisco Green Film Festival 2018

13. LIV Drama 9min 47sec. SWEDEN director Marita Lobler
Ett oväntat telefonsamtal gör att Anette (Åsa Gustavsson) hamnar i en svår beslutssituation  SILVER SKFF 2012

14. A Little Piece of Love Romantic Comedy 5min 32sec. SWEDEN director Lars Klintwall ”Allan wants to tell his girlfriend that he loves her, but when he finally says the magical words….. ” 
LadyBug Festival Favourite 2016

15. Where is Don? Drama ALBANIA director More Raca Arena Production
Freedom of speech is violated; the life of journalists are constantly at risk an they live unprotected under a nightmare of threats. Usually they are targets of groups of interest, involving the government 
LadyBug Festival Human Rights Award 2015

16. Dear Good_Rabbi Film/Poetry 4 min. SWEDEN director Sosi Chamon
Based on the poem ”A refugee Childs still Prayer” by Isa Aouifla
Best Editing and Honorary Diploma  SKFF 2018 and Honorary Diploma UNICA WMMC 2018

17. Who am I ? Documentary  Netherlands director Rose Hanawi
Here, there and everywhere, What is home? Sometimes I feel that I belong nowhere” BRONZE Tree Prize at Viva Film Festival Sarajevo 2018

18. Silent Shout Drama 7min 47sec SWEDEN directors Annelie Ström-Villaseca & Ismaila Jallow ”A Guest lecture & documentary film maker is questioned when the students breaks the silence surrounding her dubious depictions” BEST SCRIPT SKFF 2018 and SILVER UNICA 2018

19. Good Day Drama/Comedy 8min 40 sec. RUSSIA director Olga  Dibtseva
When the courier delivers to a married couple, he becomes a witness to remarkable things… BEST Director at Autumn of Amur in Liaoning Province Film Festival 2017 China Shenyang  

20. Bollsinne Drama/Comedy 7min 34sec. SWEDEN director Nicklas Dahlström ”Melkers father (Bo Melin) is an engaged foot ball coach who has a hard work as he wants to turn the young not so engaged boys into professionals. BEST Sound Design and BEST Editing SKFF 2015 

21. Green World Drama/Animation/Comedy  3min 22sec. TURKEY director Cenk Özakıncı This film is a rapid lesson for the ones who thinks that the global warming is merely a science fiction.
Nominated and selected at several filmfestivals 2018

22. Waltzing Tilda Drama 15min. SWEDEN/AUSTRALIA director Jonathan Wilhelmsson
An eccentric lone wolf finds herself the last human on earth, struggling to decide whether to be sad or happy.
The 25th Sydney Film School Festival
– Best Film, Best Director, Best Producer, Best Editor & the Audience Award
Depth of Field International Film Festival 2017 – Award of Outstanding Excellence – Lead Actor, Holly Fraser
Stockholm Independent Film Festival 2017 – Best Drama Short
Video Junkee 2017 – The Newcomer Award
TMC London Film Festival 2017 – Award of Recognition
Dalarnas Filmfestival 2017 – Best Film, Best Director, Best Editor, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, The Audience Award
The 14th Global Chinese Universities
Student Film and Television Festival – Nominated for Best Foreign Film
Novemberfestivalen 2017 – Bronze Award for Best Film and Special Award from the Nordic Youth Film Festival
Nordic Youth Film Festival 2018 – Best Nordic Film
Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival Online 2018 – Top 10 Best Films

23. M.A.M.O.N. (MONITOR AGAINST MEXICANS OVER NATIONWIDE) Animation/Satir 5min 55sec MEXICO/URUGUAY director Alejandro Damiani
”While Donald Trump is undergoing heart surgery, a portal to another reality opens”
has received many awards BEST SHORT amongst 50 other awards at filmfestivals in countries as Italy, Spain, UK, Poland, Argentina,USA, Switzerland, Japan, Mexico and at the International Film Festival for Human Rights in Colombia. More about the film and awards at PROMOFEST

24. I Have to Save the World a Little Documentary 15 min SWEDEN Director Regi Peppe Andersson.  ”Yolanda Auror Bohm is fighting for a better society. This film reflects her poetry, activism, commitment and the work for what she is passionated for”
BRONZE Medal UNICA 2018 & the honourable UNESCO Fellini Prize 2018




TACK ALLA! 6 November A Better Tomorrow/ En Bättre Morgondag:Tema Miljö

ETT STORT TACK till alla gymnasieelever, lärare och de fyra forskare som deltog i film&forskarseminariet ”En Bättre Morgondag: Tema Miljö”. Stort tack även till Bio Roy som ställde upp med lokal och teknik.
Under två timmar och i en full salong, såg vi tillsammans några utvalda kortfilmer med tanken riktad på miljö, forskning och framtid. Med avstamp i filmerna blev det sedan ett gemensamt samtal lett av Robert Lagerström, IT-forskare på KTH och ledamot i Sveriges unga akademi och Aase Högfeldt, grundare och konstnärlig ledare för LadyBug Festival.
Många bra frågor ställdes till forskarna från engagerade elever och deras lärare. De två timmarna försvann snabbt i intressanta samtal som gjordes både på engelska och svenska.

Bilden är från filmen ”Waltzing Tilda” Regi: Jonathan Wilhelmsson

Forskarpanelen bestod av:

Hanne Fjelde, freds- och konfliktforskare, Uppsala universitet

Sebastiaan Swart, havsforskare, Göteborgs universitet

Allison Perrigo, forskare i biodiversitetsstudier, Göteborgs universitet

Sebastian Westenhoff, kemist, Göteborgs universitet

Sveriges unga akademi och LadyBug Festival är stolta över att vårt program blev så bra även denna andra gång.
Första seminariet, med tema AI, gjordes i Stockholm på Bio Rio i samarbete med SverigesKortFilmFestival.
Tredje”A Better Tomorrow/En Bättre Morgondag” kommer att vara mars 2019 på BUFF i Malmö, där även filmtävlingen ”En BättreMorgondag” är utlyst med deadline 15 november.
Anmäl din film här! Nyheter scrolla till 27augusti

Mingel&Konst i Foajén på Bio Roy oktober 19e 17.00-23.00

”LadyBug Cross Culture Mingel” med festivalens tema miljö och jämställdhet bjuder på gröna drinkar & böcker bland konstnärer, författare, filmare och kvinnohistoria. Möt de färgstarka kvinnorna Arghavan Agida, Lisa Lindén och Eva Bonde som gör skillnad utifrån perspektivet konst, film och media.
Dagen till ära har den stora spegelväggen i foajén målats av konstnären, designern och  MFA Camilla Boström 

Camilla är mest känd för sina muralmålningar och en av hennes målningar är Urban Jungle på Vallgatan 1.
”I want to convey a feeling and something abstractly spiritual. The phrase varies constantly, from minimalist to few denominations to maximumist where colors may explode into each other. My work name SCEB is my initials, but also has the meaning Suffer the Consequences or Enjoy the Benefits, as creativity is both for joy and a struggle” Läs mer om Camilla Boström på:  och Instagram: __sceb__

Konstprojektet ”ARTDOM”
presenteras av initiativtagaren och
UN ambassadören Arghavan Agida
”Artdom creates understanding and awareness about women’s rights as well as womens  freedom of expression, mainly through cooperation in the form of art.
This project aims to create an opportunity for female Iranian artists to connect with western female artists and collaborate on a unified piece. They empower and inspire each other with their timeless art as well as promote cultural awareness”

Målningen HOPE  av Tala Darangi Iran & Vagnelind Sweden


Chefredaktör Eva Bonde berättar om
Historiskan, Sveriges första kvinnohistoriska tidning

Historiskan är en modern och genusmedveten historietidning som sätter kvinnorna i fokus. Här varvas kvinnohistoriska milstolpar och berömda begivenheter med mindre bekanta, men icke desto mindre viktiga, personer och händelser.




Genusvetare Lisa Lindén
med sin ständigt aktuella bok
”Det dom inte sa-om hur jag blev feminist”  visar DorisFilms spelapp gjord för barn utifrån världens första filmmanifest skrivet av kvinnor.

LadyBug Festival presenterar Aleksa Lundbergs purfärska bok ”Bögtjejen” och poesisamlingen ”Ikon” 
av Yolanda Aurora BohmsDokumentären om Yolanda ”I have to Save the World a Little” visas på LadyBugShortFilmMarathon som börjar 20.45. Filmen fick det UNICA/UNESCOs Fellinipris 2018.


och sist men inte minst beskådar vi  frihetens själfulla betongfåglar i en miniutställning


Evalena Jönsson Lunde