Kom och fira filmens födelsedag med 24 prisbelönta kortfilmsfavoriter i alla genrer från hela världen. Alla filmer är engelsk-textade och vi bjuder på en kortfilmskavalkad av roliga, allvarliga, tänkvärda, tokiga och kärleksfulla filmer.
TID: Fredagen 28 december kl 12.30-14.30 FRI ENTRE´
VAR: på Bio Roy Kungsportsavenyn 45 i Göteborg
Dagen till ära är fem av favoriterna prisvinnare från Göteborg och i två av dem ser ni Göteborgsänglarna Glenn Hysén, Bo Melin och Åsa Gustavsson.
Vi välkomnar alla kortfilmsentusiaster – och blivande! – i alla åldrar – till en härlig biostund där du också kan tävla om biobiljetter.
Filmens Födelsedag är ett samarbete mellan LadyBugFestival och SverigesKortFilmFestival med stöd av SverigesFilm och Video Förbund och filmerna är festivalernas prisvinnare och publikfavoriter genom åren
Av de 24 fyra filmerna är de första sju filmerna sk. minutfilmer och de övriga varierar i längd från 2-15 minuter (scroll to see all films)

1. Urskogen Drama Minutfilm SWEDEN by Felicia Boudreé
Sometimes it is hard to keep up concentration as a scriptwriter
SILVER SM Minute Film SKFF 2014
2. Self Identity Documentary Minutfilm SWEDEN by Eva Höglund
An image made by me. A self image Honorary Diploma UNICA WMMC 2018

3. The Dishonor Drama/Stills Minutfilm ARGENTINA by Gustavo Garibotti
In the 1800s, a forbidden love is endangered by a cause of a society that is not ready
4. The City Animation Minutfilm PHILIPPINES by Breech Asher Harani
Carbon Resilient Cities are the solution against Climate Change
Special Prize Animation Award at Film4Climate 2016
5. A Little Beetle Animation Minutfilm GEORGIEN by Elene Sebiskveradze
A Little Beetle deliberately puts all its efforts to escape from the endless space… GOLD Croatian One-Minute Film Festival 2017
6. Ghassan Documentary Minutfilm SWEDEN by Hanna Dahlborg
Ghassan Chawki tells the story why he became a taylor
GOLD SM Minute Film SKFF 2018
7. ON/OFF Drama Minutfilm SWEDEN by Frida Andersson Haase
Something is wrong with the light button

8. Wojtek Documentary 2min 38sec POLEN director Monika Stpiczynska
Wojtec and his father George collects cardboard boxes
LadyBug Festival Audience Favorite Award 2016
9. Skoldiscot Drama 5min 29sec. SWEDEN director Christian Zetterberg
During a middle school dance a boy is struggling with
his courage when experiencing his first love.
Frame filmfestival 2018 – Bästa film tungvikt, Publiken pris, Bästa foto, Bästa skådespelare
Novemberfestivalen 2018 -SM-silver/2a pris för Bästa film, Publikens pris, BUFF-pris Bästa barnfilm
Stockholm independent film festival 2018 Bästa skådespelareensemble

10. Run Ran Run Drama/Comedy 9min 30sec. SWEDEN director Sanna Ekman ”Jennifer is out for a morning jog and spots a robber…..”
Run Ran Run has won several awards. Amongst others; BEST Director (three times), BEST Short Film, BEST International Actress, BEST International Drama, BEST Editor, BEST Woman FilmMaker
11. Clean up on Isle nr 9 Drama/Comedy 6min 48sec. AUSTRALIA director Anthea Hewett/Sydney Film School. ”Two Young men are bored at the supermarket” BEST School Film at WOW 2011 LadyBug Favourite 2012
12. Cold Shower Drama/Environmental Issue 2min. 12 sec. BELGIUM director Victor Azmanov A young man goes through his daily, wasteful life
BRONZE San Francisco Green Film Festival 2018
13. LIV Drama 9min 47sec. SWEDEN director Marita Lobler
Ett oväntat telefonsamtal gör att Anette (Åsa Gustavsson) hamnar i en svår beslutssituation SILVER SKFF 2012
14. A Little Piece of Love Romantic Comedy 5min 32sec. SWEDEN director Lars Klintwall ”Allan wants to tell his girlfriend that he loves her, but when he finally says the magical words….. ”
LadyBug Festival Favourite 2016
15. Where is Don? Drama ALBANIA director More Raca Arena Production
Freedom of speech is violated; the life of journalists are constantly at risk an they live unprotected under a nightmare of threats. Usually they are targets of groups of interest, involving the government
LadyBug Festival Human Rights Award 2015
16. Dear Good_Rabbi Film/Poetry 4 min. SWEDEN director Sosi Chamon
Based on the poem ”A refugee Childs still Prayer” by Isa Aouifla
Best Editing and Honorary Diploma SKFF 2018 and Honorary Diploma UNICA WMMC 2018
17. Who am I ? Documentary Netherlands director Rose Hanawi
”Here, there and everywhere, What is home? Sometimes I feel that I belong nowhere” BRONZE Tree Prize at Viva Film Festival Sarajevo 2018

18. Silent Shout Drama 7min 47sec SWEDEN directors Annelie Ström-Villaseca & Ismaila Jallow ”A Guest lecture & documentary film maker is questioned when the students breaks the silence surrounding her dubious depictions” BEST SCRIPT SKFF 2018 and SILVER UNICA 2018
19. Good Day Drama/Comedy 8min 40 sec. RUSSIA director Olga Dibtseva
When the courier delivers to a married couple, he becomes a witness to remarkable things… BEST Director at Autumn of Amur in Liaoning Province Film Festival 2017 China Shenyang
20. Bollsinne Drama/Comedy 7min 34sec. SWEDEN director Nicklas Dahlström ”Melkers father (Bo Melin) is an engaged foot ball coach who has a hard work as he wants to turn the young not so engaged boys into professionals. BEST Sound Design and BEST Editing SKFF 2015

21. Green World Drama/Animation/Comedy 3min 22sec. TURKEY director Cenk Özakıncı This film is a rapid lesson for the ones who thinks that the global warming is merely a science fiction.
Nominated and selected at several filmfestivals 2018
22. Waltzing Tilda Drama 15min. SWEDEN/AUSTRALIA director Jonathan Wilhelmsson
An eccentric lone wolf finds herself the last human on earth, struggling to decide whether to be sad or happy.
The 25th Sydney Film School Festival – Best Film, Best Director, Best Producer, Best Editor & the Audience Award
Depth of Field International Film Festival 2017 – Award of Outstanding Excellence – Lead Actor, Holly Fraser
Stockholm Independent Film Festival 2017 – Best Drama Short
Video Junkee 2017 – The Newcomer Award
TMC London Film Festival 2017 – Award of Recognition
Dalarnas Filmfestival 2017 – Best Film, Best Director, Best Editor, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, The Audience Award
The 14th Global Chinese Universities
Student Film and Television Festival – Nominated for Best Foreign Film
Novemberfestivalen 2017 – Bronze Award for Best Film and Special Award from the Nordic Youth Film Festival
Nordic Youth Film Festival 2018 – Best Nordic Film
Tokyo Lift-Off Film Festival Online 2018 – Top 10 Best Films
23. M.A.M.O.N. (MONITOR AGAINST MEXICANS OVER NATIONWIDE) Animation/Satir 5min 55sec MEXICO/URUGUAY director Alejandro Damiani
”While Donald Trump is undergoing heart surgery, a portal to another reality opens”
M.A.M.O.N. has received many awards BEST SHORT amongst 50 other awards at filmfestivals in countries as Italy, Spain, UK, Poland, Argentina,USA, Switzerland, Japan, Mexico and at the International Film Festival for Human Rights in Colombia. More about the film and awards at PROMOFEST

24. I Have to Save the World a Little Documentary 15 min SWEDEN Director Regi Peppe Andersson. ”Yolanda Auror Bohm is fighting for a better society. This film reflects her poetry, activism, commitment and the work for what she is passionated for”
BRONZE Medal UNICA 2018 & the honourable UNESCO Fellini Prize 2018